Merry Christmas

A Festive Thank You from our CEO Aidan Piper
Aidan Piper, CEO at Welcomm Communications, smiles and collects Welcomm's Excel Partner of The Year award.

A year of unprecedented economic and political instability, which sadly also saw our longest reigning monarch pass away, 2022 has reminded us all how important our strongest partnerships are to us.

Continuing our mission to transform the way businesses communicate and operate, this year we have found that our excitement for new technologies has again been matched by our customers. And for this, I want to say a heartfelt thank you for working with us; for collaborating, exploring new solutions and thinking ‘big picture’.

Because now more than ever, you understand the impact the right technology can make on your people, your customers, and your ROI.

In the face of an increasingly present climate crisis, I am proud of the way we have begun to embrace more sustainable business practices at Welcomm; something we intend to give a greater focus into next year and beyond.

As a thank you from Team Welcomm, below is some festive support to help you kickstart your business in 2023.

We’re proudly saving paper this year and committing to our Sustainability Pledge through this fully digital support.

We wish you, your colleagues and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Click below to learn more.

Our Latest Business Newsletter

Now Available: A Special Christmas 2022 Edition!

Free Articles in This Quarter’s Newsletter Include:

  • Managing Remote Teams: A Brief Guide
  • The Next Generation of Business WiFi
  • A Focus on Sustainable Business
  • Smart Access Control Systems
  • & More!

Sustainability for Business: Starting Your Journey

A FREE webinar to help our business customers start their Sustainability Journey in 2023

Reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy usage and becoming more sustainable are all prioritities for business leaders in 2023.
However, we recognise that for Small Businesses, getting started can feel intimidating or confusing.

That’s why, on 25th January 2023, we’ll be hosting a FREE webinar with Sustainability champions Zellar – to help businesses of all sizes start their green journey.

On This Webinar, Zellar’s Sustainability Experts Will Cover:

  • How to reduce your energy usage and carbon footprint.
  • The tools available to help monitor your sustainability.
  • The business benefits of taking sustainable actions.
  • Building an Environmental Social Governance plan.

Connecting Your Staff This Christmas

We recognise that, for some businesses, an in-person Christmas party might not be possible this year, or even what your staff prefer!

That’s why, we wanted to offer a few virtual suggestions that your HR/Welfare teams can easily action to keep your staff connected, wherever they choose to work.

Activity Ideas

  • Host a Digital Christmas Quiz!

    Instead of a weekly progress meeting, why not surprise your team with a quick & interactive festive quiz?

    A ‘fastest answer first’ call in Microsoft Teams would work well, but if you want to really wow your teams we recommend giving Slido a try!

  • Play Some Games Together

    Free online games are a great way for remote teams to share a few laughs and share some fun experiences with their colleagues!
    Our favourites include:

  • Virtual Cocktail Night

    Ideal as a fundraising event, virtual cocktail nights are easy to host, (via Teams or your preferred video conferencing platform), and are a great way for your team to unwind together after a busy day.

    For example; during lockdown, our virtual cocktail nights helped raise much-needed funds for LOROS Hospice!

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